Online Safety

At Stedham Primary School we take safeguarding very seriously and part of the statutory requirement is to ensure our pupils are safe online and know about online  safety.

We have in place a programme of learning in PSHCE which includes sessions on online  safety each year. We have an acceptable user agreement which you and your child sign up to.  If you have a concern about an issue within school, please come into school immediately to discuss with Mr Meaby who is the Designated Member of Staff for Safeguarding.

We can also support you with online safety concerns outside of school. If you would like other advice and support on internet safety, below are a number of website links which can help.  The CEOP site can also be used to report online anti-social or illegal behaviour. 





Internet Safety Tips.pdf

Think U Know

WizCase - cyberbullying guidance

online-safety-booklet for parents.pdf

Click the link below for the Online Safety Policy.