If you are interested in a place for your child at Stedham Primary School, we are more than happy to welcome you at one of our open mornings or arrange a bespoke tour at a mutually convenient time - please make an appointment through our school office. Once you have decided to apply for a place, the next steps are set out below.
Schools in West Sussex are categorised as community, voluntary controlled and voluntary aided. Community and voluntary controlled schools serve catchment areas and voluntary aided schools serve wider areas. Stedham Primary is a community school. Under the Education Act parents can express a preference for any school but they do not have a right to choose a school. West Sussex Education Authority does however make every effort to meet parental preference where possible. Further information about how places are allocated is available online at
All admissions to Stedham Primary School are arranged through the Southern Admissions office:
Admissions South
Bridge House
Floor 3
Barrington Road
West Sussex
BN12 4FP
Telephone: 033 301 42903
First Admissions
The County Admissions Office advertises to parents of children eligible to start school in the following year during the Autumn term through schools, pre-school settings, libraries, children and family centres and the local press. Parents are asked to go online at to download and read the Information for Parents booklet. They can also find out the names of the catchment schools on this site. Once this information has been read and a decision made, parents are invited to apply online, expressing a preference for up to three schools. They are then notified of the outcome in April.
It is West Sussex policy for pupils to start school in the September following their fourth birthday. Parents have the right to choose whether their child attends full or part time, subject to the caveat that children are receiving full time education in the term following their fifth birthday. The school is able to offer advice to parents should they need it, to assist in the making of the decision.
It is also the right of the parent to defer entry to school, again subject to the caveat that children are receiving full time education in the term following their fifth birthday.
Admissions during Year 1 to 6
If a parent wishes to apply for a place at Stedham Primary School outside of the usual age of admission they should contact the Worthing (South) Pupil Admissions Office as above.
Admissions Appeals
For information regarding how to make an admissions appeal, please read the information below.