
Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)


PSED requires all schools to have a due regard for the need to:


  • Eliminate discrimination and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010

  • Advance equality of opportunities between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

  • Foster good relations across all characteristics, and between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it


    Protected Characteristics are:


  • Race

  • Disability

  • Sex

  • Age (relevant as an employer but not in relation to pupils)

  • Religion or belief

  • Sexual orientation

  • Pregnancy and maternity

  • Gender reassignment



    As a school, we give ‘relevant and proportionate consideration' to the duty. This means:


  • Decision makers (Governors and Senior Leaders) are aware of the duty to have due regard when making a decision or taking an action, and will assess whether it may have implications for people with particular protected characteristics

  • We consider equality implications before and at the time that we develop policy and take decisions, not as an afterthought, and we keep them under review on a continuing basis

  • The PSED is integrated into the carrying out of our school’s functions, and the analysis necessary to comply with the duty is carried out seriously, rigorously and with an open mind


We cannot delegate this responsibility for carrying out the duty to anyone else.

We demonstrate how we comply with PSED in our Single Equalities Policy (see below).


Our Current Equality objectives

(Reviewed September 2022)


  • To make our best endeavours to ensure that there is no gender difference in pupil progress.

  • To ensure that our curriculum and provision effectively supports the needs of all children, with particular reference to disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils.

  • To identify opportunities in our curriculum to look at other ethnicities, cultures and countries, to study famous people from ethnic minorities and with a variety of abilities including disability and celebrate diversity. 

  • Use collective worship as an additional opportunity to learn about festivals from a range of cultures and countries and use special events such as the World Cup, Olympics and wartime anniversaries as an opportunity to explore other cultures and abilities.